Legal aid may be available for most matters related to children and for obtaining or defending domestic violence. Read the table below as a guideline to assess whether you may be eligible. I certain circumstances, such a domestic violence, you may qualify for legal aid even though you do not fall within the Eligibility Threshold.
In my role as a mediator rather than a lawyer, I am able to mediate between parties to help them reach their own solution. Sometimes a husband and wife approach me to settle their relationship property or custody dispute out of court. While I cannot act for both of them as a lawyer, as a mediator I can help them.
My negotiation and dispute resolution skills were sharpened during my 10 years of experience in the diplomatic field negotiating international agreements. I have transferred those skills to the practice of family law and completed the "Lawyers Engaged in Alternate Dispute Resolution" (LEADRE) mediation training to assist clients in reaching out of court settlements whenever possible. Contact me if you think your dispute may be suitable for mediation.